As Joseph Sittler grew older, he became
increasingly aware of the aging process, speaking about it as an
"awkward problem," seldom addressed by the church and the culture. From
his own experience and observations, he talked and wrote about the
feelings of diminishment and pathos which come with growing old. He said
that it was a time of inwardness, reflection, and of letting go.
Related to the subject of aging are death,
dying, and the ethical issues surrounding those experiences. Sittler
spoke of those, as well. He explored questions related to "eternal
life," and "life after death." His insights into these issues were
expanded by a wealth of quotations from literature and personal
conversations with others.
A sample of materials on Aging available
from the Archives
and Death: An Interview With Dr. Sittler, Videotape (date unknown)
Dying, Ethics, and Theology (Chicago),
Audiotape (11/14/84)
Epilogue: Exploring the Multiple Dimensions of
Aging, Text Material (1986)
Interior Dimensions of Aging (Kansas City),
Audiotape (10/29/84) available
Theological Perspectives on Aging, Text Material (1986)
Workshop on Ministering to the Aging, Audiotape ( 9/25/74)