On October 2, friends of the
Archive Bill and Char Maloney hosted a wonderful event at a
conference center in Chicago to remember the 25th
anniversary of the death of Joseph Sittler. About 70 people
attended, most, though not all, from the greater Chicago area.
Included were many former students and colleagues, as well as others
who did not know Joe personally but have become admirers of his
work. Rob Saler, former Sittler Fellow at LSTC and now on the staff
of the Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis, was the MC.
The major portion of the morning was a 2-hour session of
reminiscences. There was a panel of presentations by Martin Marty,
John Buchanan (editor, The Christian Century), Carl McKenzie (former
student of Joe’s at Maywood), and Mel George (re the Sittler
Archive), followed by an open mike session in which various
attendees spoke about their particular memories of Joe and thoughts
about his significance in today’s world.
That was followed by a veritable feast of a lunch, which included
Polish Sausage and sauerkraut, all made possible by the Maloneys.
After lunch there was an open discussion of the future of the
Archive, with many comments, suggestions, and questions. That
segment was not videotaped but an audio recording will be available
for the entire Sittler Archive Committee to consider as that group
plans for the future of the Archive under the newly arrived
President of LSTC.
Many thanks to Bill and Char for this marvelous and significant
Photos from the event and a video of the major plenary session from
the morning are available through links below:
Joseph Sittler. Joseph
Sittler. Joseph Sittler. Joseph Sittler. Joseph Sittler. Joseph
Sittler. Joseph Sittler. Joseph Sittler. Joseph Sittler. Joseph
Sittler. Joseph Sittler. Joseph Sittler. |