It may seem unorderly to
have a topic category of “Miscellaneous,” but it seems inescapable in
the case of Joseph Sittler. His mind ranged over so many subjects and
his interests were so universal, that almost every aspect of human life
and the divine story is touched somewhere in the body of his written and
spoken word. So under this topic we place those pieces of his that
simply don’t fit into one or more of the other topic areas. Where else,
for example, would an archivist put Sittler’s essay “Eleanor and the Big
Brown Buick”? Browsing in this area of the archive will reveal just how
eclectic this man was and, hence, perhaps explain how he was able to
touch so many lives in so many different ways.
A sample of Miscellaneous materials
available from the Archives
Equipping the Saints for
Ministry: Parish Ministry Leadership
Conference (Many topics covered, including the role of theology,
the transmission of our tradition, the doctrine of Christ, modern
day demands on the Christian, the relation of man to the natural
world, an exposition of Wilbur’s “Advice to a Prophet.”
Closing worship, with Alvin Rogness as speaker.), Audiotape (8/6-8/78)
available online
His God Story (An anatomy of Sittler’s faith) (Arizona),
Audiotape (1/84) available online
Search Faculty Training (Minnesota),
Audiotape (1/83)