The topic of ministry of
the laity, or the ministry of the non-ordained Christian in daily life
in the world, was very important to Sittler, and he spent a lot of time
on this issue. As a particular example of his commitment, he made a
number of presentations as part of the ALC program “Equipping the
Saints,” conducting workshops around the county. He clarified carefully
the role of “the ordained ones” (see that topic in the archive) in a way
that frees the clergy from the bewildering variety of expectations
imposed on them. Sittler provides a new conception of the role of the
laity and the ordained that is even more important for today. Sittler’s
conception of the ministry of the laity is grounded in his general
theological framework, including the transcendent significance of
creation and the comprehensive nature of God’s grace. There are some
significant and unusual themes in Sittler’s view of the ministry of the
laity in daily life. Part of that ministry, he believed, is actually to
do theology. He lifts up the perspective that the life experience of the
laity in the world can provide (and has provided in history) theological
insights important to the Christian community. Second, he notes the
significance of the laity as “friends of the King” — the representatives
of the king present in the different places of the world; the laity
reflect the “presence” of the Lord in the world. And, finally, he
stresses the importance of the laity in being rather than just in
doing. He challenges us to ask: How shall the laity manifest its
faith in the world in such a way that the preaching of the word is
invitatory? How shall we be in the world in such a way that the
Christian community is seen as attractive? He notes that a Christian can
cause, in every corner of the world, “eruptions of instances of care” —
a wonderful concept that lifts us far beyond the usual picture of what
it means to “do something” for the church as a lay person.
A sample of materials on Ministry in
Daily Life
available from the Archives
The Holy Spirit and Human Reflection (Concordia Summer
Theological Conference, Minnesota),
Audiotape (7/26/82)
The Ministry of the Laity
(Minneapolis), Audiotape (10/80)
New Models for Ministry (California),
Audiotape (1981)